A to Z Anthology
As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here. Topics will be chosen at random. Your contributions are welcome.
Q is for Queen
To mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2012 we present a photograph which has previously only been seen in black & white. These plaques were hand-painted by Lucien G Boullemier as limited editions. His son, Tony, suggests they were primarily for the pottery's high-ups, but may also have been available as private commissions.
On the right we see paintresses applying the grey borders. Three different portraits can be seen, and there is speculation that there may have been a fourth. Tony isn't sure, explaining: "I was only 7 at the time, so not very interested really".
The photo also shows some of the standard transfer-printed pieces which were produced in huge quantities to mark the occasion. The late Marion Robinson was given the task of touching up any pieces whose transfers had been damaged during the manufacturing process. As she jokingly put it: "I put lipstick on the Queen!".
Our articles on Maling commemoratives begin in newsletter 9.

It was LGB's wish that one of these plaques should be presented to Her Majesty. Having contacted the Royal
Collection (yes, we have friends in high places) we can confirm that it didn't happen. Sorry Ma'am.
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