A to Z Anthology
As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here. Topics will be chosen at random. Your contributions are welcome.
F is for Family Tree
We often get enquiries from people with the surname Maling, asking how they fit into the family tree. We are happy to pass these on to the family for further investigation. However, it is worth pointing out that relatively few Malings were involved with the pottery. Many had distinguished careers in the diplomatic service, the military and medicine.
The items below commemorate a Victoria Cross hero of the Great War - Lt George Maling. The cigarette card reads:
"Lieutenant Geo. A. Maling, V.C., M.B. (R.A.M.C.) won this honour on Sept 25th, 1915, during the heavy fighting near Fauquissart, where for 24 hours he continued to attend the wounded, although he was once stunned and once covered with debris. Thus he attended with undaunted courage over 300 men, being under fire a day and a night."
Maling family history appears in many of our newsletters. Those with an interest may like to start their investigations at number 34.

Photos: Heather Maling
For more family history see "The Trademark of Excellence" (aka TMOE) by Steven Moore
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