A to Z Anthology
As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here. Topics will be chosen at random. Your contributions are welcome.
J is for Jelly
Jelly will be served later. First some musings (or "amuse-bouche-ings" if we are to continue the gastronomic theme). For starters, what do you do with your Maling?
You buy a vintage car to drive it, or an antique chair to sit in it. But Maling? This question is prompted by a correspondent who writes:
"I have a white Maling jelly mould which has the castle mark without the sunburst - exactly as described and pictured on your very helpful website. (We blush.) The mould has a hand painted number 7, then a full stop, then a capital E on the base. I wondered if you could tell me anything about what the 7.E stands for?".
Easy! The letter is the shape and the number is the size in inches. There are examples on the pattern card (c1930) below. Can they be used? Oh, yes! The insert is a genuine "P" shape jelly, although the plate on which it sits is modern. Slamming a loaded jelly mould onto a fragile Maling plate was a little too risky - even for us.
We check stuff out before we post it here. However, don't expect to see "T is for Toilet". That may be going too far round the bend.
Do you use your Maling? Let us know.

Food stylist: Ruth M Holmes
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