A to Z Anthology
As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here. Topics will be chosen at random. Your contributions are welcome.
S is for School
As an enlightened Victorian employer, CT Maling set up a school for the children of his employees. (Also a good way to bring up the next generation of workers. Oops, cynicism.) The school was in the building adjacent to the Ford A pottery, as shown below.
Some years ago, we suggested that Maling could be a useful topic for today's classrooms - thus:
- History - What were working conditions like in earlier days? (e.g. why would some Maling workers be
known colloquially as "White Mice"?)
- Geography - Maling built four potteries. Why were their locations chosen? (e.g. convenient access to transport by sea or rail.)
- Maths - What systems of measurement were used by Maling? (e.g. pantry jars were sold both by external measurement in inches and internal capacity in pints.)
There are many other suggestions in newsletter 38, and we will be happy to work with teachers who want to take on this idea. (Sorry, no money - just knowledge.) If you know a teacher, tell them about this page. If you just want to know more about the school, see newsletter 31.

Top of the class or naughty step? You decide.
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