A to Z Anthology
As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here. Topics will be chosen at random. Your contributions are welcome.
M is for Minimalism
We have often drawn attention to Maling's exuberant Art Deco pieces from the 1930s. In tandem with this trend was a taste for subtly understated designs. As ever, Maling provided what different customers wanted.
The coffee can looks like it could be a Susie Cooper design for Gray's pottery - but we assure you it's Maling. The tureen is in the "Ruche Band" pattern devised by Lucien George Boullemier who worked alongside his father, Lucien Emile, in the 30s. (For more Boullemier history see newsletter 29.)

"Less is more." - Robert Browning
Maybe that's why this update is so short. Or did you think we were just being lazy?
Think again - it's good for you.
Want more Alphabet Soup?
Anyone for Second Helpings?
Indulge in our Potage à Trois