A to Z Anthology

As the Society no longer produces newsletters, we will post occasional items of interest here.
Topics will be chosen at random.
Your contributions are welcome.

Q is for Queries

Remember that we value a puzzle,
but we do NOT offer valuations.

Our search engine will answer most of your queries. Please use it and check the FAQs before contacting us.

We enjoy your more challenging questions, as they often form the starting point for these A to Z articles. Our team includes Maling, Boullemier and Carling family members, former employees, historians, collectors, and Steven Moore, author of "Trademark of Excellence" (TMOE). We piece together our various areas of expertise and specialist knowledge to get, we hope, an answer.

In honour of that working method, we leaves (sic) you with this puzzle photo. If you can't see the bigger picture, newsletter 43 will help you.


Want more Alphabet Soup?
Anyone for Second Helpings?
Indulge in our Potage à Trois


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