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History index
This is a summary of the history pages and their
key topics:
- 1762-1817 The early years (factory
established near Sunderland)
- 1817-1853 The Robert Maling years
(factory moves to Newcastle)
- 1853-c1880 CT Maling (trade
established with Keillers, two massive
new potteries built)
- The late 1880s Maling goes up-market
(appointment of first named designer -
Charles Miguet)
- 1900-1910 Cetem wares (a new name
for a new range of quality pottery)
- 1910-1920 Black ground wares (some
of the first truly distinctive Maling
- The 1920s Lucien Emile Boullemier (Maling's
most famous and prolific designer)
- 1929 The Ringtons connection (a major
local event - the NE Coast Exhibition;
and an important new customer)
- The 1930s Art Deco extravagance (a
strong design team keep Maling ware
up with the best)
- 1937 Premonitions of doom (Edward
VIII's abdication, soon followed by WW2, impact
badly on the business)
- The 1940s Rescued from uncertainty
(new owners - Hoults - invest to keep
the business going)
- The 1950s Playing it safe (old favourites return and fewer new patterns are produced)
- The 1960s The end of an era (foreign
competition and falling orders lead to